Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Not a Cloud In the Sky

Day: 5 (March 30th)
Starting location: Baggs Creek
Ending location: Blue Mt. Shelter
Miles today: 13.8
Miles total: 48.7

Today started out as a misty cold morning in the lower 30s. We started breaking down camp at 7:30am and we were on our way north by 8:30am. By 9:30am the mist had burned away and it had turned into a beautiful day. Today was the first day that we were truly awarded with some beautiful views due to the lack of clouds. By mid-afternoon the temperature had climbed into the upper 60s and Kristen and I were shedding clothes as we climbed up Wild Cat Mt. We finshed our hike at 4pm and spent the rest of the day hanging out with other hikers.

An update on my jacket. So we meet this really cool guy named Griz at Neels Gap. He was a young hippy guy with a long red beard. He had spent the winter hiking through the Smoky Mountains...he is pretty crazy to say the least. I asked him about the hole in my jacket and if he thought I needed a new one. He immediately said no and that all I needed was a little ducktape. So sure enough he did some handly work and patched up my jacket with ducktape. Griz said he could build a house out of just string and ducktape and I think I believe him.

We also met this interesting guy from Oklahoma named Dry Cleaning. His name kind of gives it away but he was wearing old school wool from head to toe, suspenders, ands fedora. He was definitely stylin and profiling. He said he left his girlfriend back home and that they were having problems. We asked him if he wanted to talk about it, he said no.

We will be in Hiawassee, GA on Thursday and are tentatively thinking about taking a zero on Friday and getting a shuttle into Franklin, NC for the April Fools festival. All the hikers are talking about it. We will keep you posted.

At the top of Wild Cat Mt

Kristen at camp

Jason + Kristen


Unknown said...

Gotta love ducktape! Thanks for pics, beautiful view!

Carolyn said...

I am LOVING all of the blog updates! I have officially become your creepy stalker! ha. Miss you both oh so much!

Kristen Miner said...

Happy belated anniversary and keep the updates coming! We love reading about your adventures. By the way, do you guys have nicknames yet?