Starting location: Springer Mt
Ending location: Hawk Mt Shelter
Miles today: 7.8
Miles total: 7.8
We had a great first day on the AT. The day started a bumpy ride to the base of Springer Mt. A special thanks to the Landcaster family for allowing us to use their vehicle. Upon arriving at Springer, our parents were great sports and walked the .9 miles to the offical southern terminus of the AT. We meet "Many Sleeps" who is in charge of the registry for thru hikers at the southern terminus. Many Sleeps, which is his trail name, completed his thru hike in 1998. After taking some pictures, we said our goodbyes to our parents and went on our way north.
We met our first real character on the trail named "Cat Fish." Cat Fish is from Savannah, GA and made it about half way on the AT last year. He has a long grey beard and spoke highly of the "white lighting" in NC and TN.
We arrived at our Hawk Mt Shelter at about 3pm and set up camp. All in all in was a great day outside of burning a hole right through my jacket as we were cooking dinner. I hope to get a replacement at Neels Gap in about 20 miles.
On the ride up this morning captain Karl asked when we would have our first stream crossing. Well it didn't take long because we crossed 8 streams just today!
Due to lack of service Friday night this post was meant for Friday March 26.
Jason + Kristen
Congrats on a successful first day (minus the jacket)! Happy 1st anniversary!!
Great send off. Happy 1st Anniversary! Happy trails to you...
HAve safe...we love you both...Happy 1st Anniversary..Mom and Dad B.
Happy, happy, happy, anniversary you little lovebirds.....As one of your commenters said, "fair weather" wishes and much love. Be safe. The Z's
Happy Anniversary! Miss you already.
xoxoxo Kacy
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