Monday, March 29, 2010

We Are No Longer Newlyweds.

Day: 4 (March 29)
Starting location: Neels Gap
Ending location: Baggs Creek Gap
Miles today: 4.2
Miles total: 34.9

We had a slow morning leaving our cabin in Neels Gap. Boy was it nice waking up in a warm bed! Once we got moving we made our way to Mountain Crossing, the outfitter at Neels Gap. They we so helpful and I got a new pair of gloves as well as rainpants. We stocked up on food for the next few days and got ready to head out for the day. Before we left we had some lunch from a church group who was cooking out burgers for hikers.

We only did a short day because we didn't leave Neels Gap until about 1. Nothing too eventful from our hike but let me tell you it's cold out! That's why it's 5:45 and we are in our sleeping bags.

Quick note: we have been having trouble posting our blog the last few days. Day 2 entry completely lost in cyberspace, who knows where it went. Day 2 was great, it was sunny and we had our first dose of trail magic! We also got to read a note from the McManamon Family that we received earlier in the week but were told not to open until we were out on the trail. It was an uplifting and encouraging note and it's letters like that that will keep us going out here! Thank you so much for all the support!

Jason + Kristen


peggy said...

mr and mrs bonetti want to be a part of the blog so will add them.

Katie Ashley said...

i'm so proud of you guys!!!

Unknown said...

Love the AT logo pic with you all in your hats! Beautiful day today, hope it is for you all as well out on the I sit in my office...