Starting location: Wind Gap
Ending location: Backpacker Campsite
State: NJ
Miles today: 20.4
Miles total: 1,289.2
After a wonderful stay at Franklin Hill Vineyards, it was time to hit the trail. Capt. Karl drove us back to the trail head at Wind Gap around 7:30am. When we arrived at the parking lot, we ran into Bulldog and Hitchcock. Bulldog is the blind thru hiker and Hitchcock is filming his journey for a documentary. We introduced Capt. Karl to them and Hitchcock asked if he didn't mind being filmed for the documentary. Capt. Karl agreed and we all were asked questions about the trail. It would be great if we actually make it into the film. We will keep an eye out for the release date. BTW- We still have no idea how Bulldog is hiking the trail.
We were really excited to enter into New Jersey today. Kristen was actually born in New Jersey and was supposely the biggest baby born in the hospital that day. I have never seen poof of this. Anyway, Pennsylvania has been a tough state for us and we will be glad to see it go. In the late afternoon we hiked down into the Delaware Water Gap. We made a quick stop into the local outfitter to fix my pole tip that had broken a few days earlier. We also grabbed dinner at the bakery. Kristen and I will always take an opportunity to avoid having to cook when we get into camp. We crossed the Delaware River around 5:30pm and we were offically in New Jersey. I know...we are probably the happiest anyone has ever been to enter into New Jersey.
Crossing the Delaware River
Conan + Backwards
1 comment:
Congrats on leaving Pennsylvania...and I'm sure you guys were renewed by having your parents in for a visit.
Keep it up! I'm sure you must be so proud of how far you've come, and the "Still To Go" miles are becoming less and less.
All our love from Florida!
Erika and Brian Brennan
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