Monday, August 30, 2010

Chipping Away

Day: 157 (August 29)
Starting location: Reddington Stream Campsite
Ending location: Carrabasset River
State: ME
Miles today: 15.7
Miles total: 1,982.9

The wind howled all night long and it didn't quit the entire morning. I love hiking in windy conditions because it keeps you cool all day long. When we climbed over Saddleback Junior, the wind was so strong it nearly blew us over. We quickly enjoyed a beautiful view and then hurried off the mountain before the wind carried us off.

The hiking today was pretty and enjoyable despite lots of climbing and descending. We were able to make pretty good miles even on the tough terrain. When we finally finished the steep descent down Sugarloaf Mountain we came to a river crossing and decided to call it a day. Steep descents really take it out of you! But hey it was our longest day mileage wise since Vermont!

Today we crossed under the 200 mile mark. As of right now, we have 196 miles until we reach the summit of Katahdin! We are just chipping away at the miles!

Jason's boots are falling apart. Any bets on whether they will make it to Katahdin?

Conan + Backwards

1 comment:

Erika said...

YAY! 196 more, that's so awesome guys!

My bet: Yes, Jason's boots will make it. I know that it's a long shot, but I'm going to have faith.

Maine looks gorgeous, enjoy it!

Is it sad that I almost don't want it to end for you guys? I so enjoy reading your blog and hope that you'll start another blog once you're done with your journey!

Ready to celebrate the summit with you guys when you make it down to Florida.

Love ya'll,
The Brennans (Erika and Brian)