Thursday, April 15, 2010

Goodbye Gatlinburg!

Day: 20 (April 14)
Starting location: Gatlinburg, TN
Ending location: Tri-Corner Shelter
Miles today: 15.6
Miles total: 220.3

Our shuttle picked us up at 7:30 sharp and we were at the trailhead at 8:00. For those of you who may be confused as to what state we are in, you aren't alone. In the Great Smoky Mountains the Appalchain Trail is actually the state line for North Carolina and Tennessee. So just like in the movie , A Walk To Remember, we have been in two places at one time.

Hiking wise today had it's ups and downs, litterally. The views were tremendous all day long. Jason and I ate our lunch on a rock with this panoramic view of the mountains. It was spectacular.

As we arrived at the shelter tonight, there were signs saying DANGER Bear activity. Apparently a bear was trying to steal peoples backpacks. Hope the saying safety in numbers rings true because there are 8 of us here tonight.

Me, Supermax and Conan

The snow that we walked through on Clingmans Dome. Now you understand why I was singing Christmas songs.

Conan + Backwards

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