Sunday, April 11, 2010

On the Trail Again

Day: 15 (April 9)
Starting location: NOC
Ending location: Brown Fork Gap
Miles today: 16.0
Miles total: 151.0

We had another beautiful day. Before we hit the trail we decided to get one last hot meal at the restaurant at the NOC. We had the most amazing sweet potato pancakes.

After a very relaxing breakfast we hit the trail around 10am. Climbing out the NOC was very difficult. We climbed about 4000 feet in just 7 miles.

Kristen and I normally love talking on the trail about all sorts of things but we will sometimes bring out the big guns (a.k.a iPod). An iPod helps in the late afternoons when we are both very tired and need an extra boost. Never underestimate the power of Hootie.

We caught up with Catfish at Cheoah Bald. It was good to catch up with him. He has been yellow blazing which refers to skipping sections of the trail by hitch hiking. I don't really blame him since he has already done this part of the trail last year.

Now, let's clear some things up about shelters. An undisclosed family member thought we had electricity in shelters. Shelters are simply three walled shacks in the middle of the woods. There is no electricity, running water, or bathrooms. Shelters have a privy, which is basically an outhouse, and are normally located near a stream or some type of water source. Shelters normally come with full time caretakers..mice that is. I hope this helps clear up any confusion on what a shelter is.

Me and Catfish on Cheoah Bald. He loves talking about moonshine

Kristen at Brown Fork Shelter

Conan + Backwards

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