Saturday, June 19, 2010

Boiling Springs, PA

Day: 83 (June 16)
Starting location: James Fry Shelter
Ending location: Boiling Springs, PA
State: PA
Miles today: 12.0
Miles total: 1,112.0

Town gravity was strong as we broke camp and started our day. I was extra excited about getting to town because it had been 8 long stinky days since we had last showered. That's a long time friends. I was unintentionally growing dreadlocks!

On our hike into town we met a southbounder named Siren. Once we started talking to him we noticed he had a rather large iguana on his back. We hadn't seen anything like this before. He was going to carry him the whole trip, I guess Siren isn't weight conscious!

We arrived into Boiling Springs and checked into a resort called the Allenberry. Not only was it a resort, but a theater playhouse! For 25 dollars, we got a really nice room... by far the best deal on the trail. They also had a dinner buffet, which for hikers like us, it's always a treat.

Love the farmlands leading into Boiling Springs.

Conan + Backwards

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