Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pennsylvania Rocks

Day: 91 (June 24)
Starting location: Windsor Furnace Shelter
Ending location: Allentown Shelter
State: PA
Miles today: 16.5
Miles total: 1,230.7

Pennsylvania is famous for its rocky terrain. As a thru hiker, you hear about the PA rocks from the start of the trail at Springer Mt. After experiencing boulder fields for most of the day, the PA rocks definitely deserve there acclaim. The rocks make everything a little bit harder and make doing big mileage days almost impossible. The boulder fields are also a popular spot for rattlesnakes to sunbath in the afternoon sun. Kristen and I will both be happy once we exit PA in under 100 miles.

We are both beat and hitting the rack. Good night.

We played around in some really neat caves today at The Pinnacle. Brooklyn is climbing up the side of the cave.

Landfill at the exit of the cave

Kristen loves Hydrangeas

Conan + Backwards


mary caroline said...

beautiful hydrangeas :) you should always stop and take pictures of flowers. hope you get through PA soon!! xoxo

peggy said...

Way to go, Jason and Kristen!!! Enjoy!! Love Aunt Pam and Uncle Ed