Thursday, August 5, 2010

Up and Down...Literally

Day: 133 (August 5)
Starting location: Moose Mountain Shelter
Ending location: Smarts Mountain Fire Tower
State: NH
Miles today: 12.4
Miles total: 1,760.6

Our first night with our winter gear was rather warm so we wound up sleeping on top of our sleeping bags. We we both amazed at how much fluffier our winter bags are compared to our summer bags...our winter bags have much more down feathers.

Already New Hampshire is much more vuluptious than recent states. Even though we only hiked 12 miles today, it was up 2,000 feet and down 2,000 feet all day long. By the end of the day we were both pretty beat. The terrain in NH is only going to get more rugged, so this is just practice for what's ahead!

Many of you have asked why we are slowing down mileage wise. We could easily finish the trail in about a month but to be honest, why rush? Thru hiking the AT is most certainly not a race. Neither of us have ever been to this part of the country so we really want to take our time. Who knows when we will get the chance to spend this time together again, so we are going to take full advantage of it. Another reason we are slowing down is because the terrain in the Whites, as well as southern Maine, is very difficult. We heard that if you are used to hiking 18-20 mile days (which we are) then get ready to scale back to 10-12 miles per day. It just takes longer on rugged terrain. But bring it on, we are ready!

Thanks for all the recent comments friends, we love reading them! When we get a chance we promise we will get around to writing a FAQ post. Sorry it's taken this long Erika!!

Oh and Happy 25th Birthday to my cousin Eric! I will spare you from me singing the "Hey Eric, it's your Birthday" song. But then again I don't live on the moon.

We haven't posted a picture of a privy yet, and we thought this one at Moose Mountain would be the first. It kind of looks like a throne don't you think? You can do your business and enjoy the great outdoors all at the same time!

Conan + Backwardsl


Meghan Waites said...

Hey guys, So I was very slow to get to the blog, but I have LOVED reading all of it! I think y'all are so awesome for doing this and good luck the rest of the way!!

Lauren said...

Just a heads up that the Klein's are making their way back to FL early! They needed to come home to start planning that wedding :)

Carolyn said...

so sad our rendezvous in NH didn't work out! Hope y'all are having a blast!