Day: 57 (May 21)
Starting location: Catawba,VA
Ending location: Campbell Shelter
Miles today: 4.4
Miles total: 703.7
We had a lazy morning at Thunder's house. Usually Jason and I are up around 7:00, but this morning we stayed in bed until 8:30... it was glorious.
We ran errands around Roanoke for most of the morning. We resupplied at the Kroger and hit the Outfitter in town. We also had the chance to visit Dicks Sporting Goods to get some lighter clothes for the warm summer months. When we started the trail, we were focused on clothes to keep us warm, we hadn't put much thought into what we'd wear when it turned hot. But now we are both ready for the summer months, in style no less!
Thunder and Daytripper took us back to thr trailhead. We won't be hiking with them for a few weeks because we are trying to get back on schedule do that we can make a stop in Washington, DC for a few days. We said our sad goodbyes to our friends and were back on the trail.
In a few short miles we reached McAfee Knob, which is probably he most recognizable landmark on the AT. It's a very popular day hiking spot because it's so close to the road, so we were astonished that no one was up there. It was awesome having the entire view to ourselves. It gave us a chance to reflect on the past two months and 700 miles. That's right friends, 700 miles means we are basically 1/3 of the way to our goal. We were definetly excited about that milestone.
After enjoying the beautiful view of the Catawba Valley, which we loved by the way, we headed on the next shelter. It was just after dusk which is the latest we've hiked yet, but we knew we had less than a mile to the shelter. As we walked along, we both saw and heard some movement to the right of the trail. All the sudden a big black bear darted across the trail, not 25 yards in front of us. Once it crossed the trail it stopped and looked back at us for what felt like 5 minutes, as if he was deciding whether or not to eat us. He then raced off down the mountian. Jason and I could not believe our eyes. I know I was amazed by the size and quickness of the bear. He was obviously frightned by us because he ran so fast to get away. I know most of you are reading this and thinking oh my goodness they could have been eaten, but for Jason and I, it really was a cool experience. Jason was very sad we did not get a picture, but it all happened so quickly! And to think I was begining to think that bears on the AT were a myth!
Ps. A huge thank you to the entire Tainer family for being our gracious hosts. Over the course of a week, Jason and I stayed with them for three relaxing nights. We really enjoying getting to know you all-- thanks for the hospitality! Oh and hi Alex!2

Me feeding the goats at Thunder's house. They have 5 pregnant goats! We also had their chicken's eggs for breakfast.

Jason and I on McAfee Knob
Conan + Backwards