Starting location: Pearisburg, VA
Ending location: Pearisburg, VA
Miles today: 0.0
Miles total: 626.4
After a wild night in Tent City we had a slow morning getting moving. The 4 of us headed to Dairy King for a true southern breakfast. It was definetly what we needed.
We headed back to where all the vendors were and looked at more gear. Pretty soon, we had to head down to the outfitter to get ready for the parade. That's right folks, a parade featuring all the thru hikers. It was my first experience being in a parade so I didn't know what to expect. Once we started walking we noticed that all the onlookers had some sort of water balloon, water gun or hose. By the time we reached the end of Laurel Street, we were soaked. It was such fun, we even managed to pick up a super soaker of our own.
Next came time for the hiker talent show. Some of the acts were boring but others were great, like our friend Skippy's rendition of Wagon Wheel. We were most dissapointed that Pirate an his goats were not in the line up. Maybe next year.
After a while we got back on the road to head back to Thunders house. I am glad we chose to go back early because I am not sure I could have handled another night in tent city. I much preferred being clean in a comfortable bed, it's not something we get very often!
Trail Days bonfire
Trail Days parade
1 comment:
Bet this was crazier than a Gator game tailgate?!?!?!
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