Starting location: Upper Laurel Fork
Ending location: Kincora Hostel
Miles today: 11.8
Miles total: 412.8
After a great night next to Laurel Fork, we packed up and hit the trail knowing we had a short day in Kincora Hostel. About lunchtime, we stopped at a shelter to take a break and indulge in our new favorite trail snack and addiction. SUNFLOWER SEEDS. Richard gave us a bag before we left Sugar Mountain, and its sad to say that we are now hopelessly hooked.
At around 2:00, we rolled into the Kincora Hiking Hostel, run by Bob Peoples. All the bunks we taken, so we happily set up our tent in the backyard. Hikers love hostels because they are cheap, usually only 5-10 dollars per night. They may be cheap but boy do they stink. Really stink--hiker stench. EWWWWW.
The hostel provided us with a shuttle to town to pick up groceries and dinner. I don't know whether its the winding mountain roads, or the fast speed of travelling in a car, but I just can't sit in the backseat any longer without feeling queasy. It sure made for a fun ride to town. One little Caesars Pizza, Arby's value meal and cookie cake later and we were back at the hostel and ready for bed.
At the Campsite at Laurel Fork
1 comment:
Some hostels offer free tea or coffee 24/7, but go in expecting it just at breakfast, and if you get it for longer it’s a bonus.
Buzios Pousadas
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