Starting location: Vandeventer Shelter
Ending location: Abingdon Gap Shelter
Miles today: 22.7
Miles total: 453.3
We wanted to get an early start because we knew we had long a day planned. By 8:00 we were on the trail, and by 8:30 we were drenched in sweat. It has been really hot on the trail lately, but I guess that comes with the approaching summer months! I would much rather hike in heat than in freezing rain that is for sure!
We stopped to get some water just before noon and Jason suggested that we just eat our lunch. For some reason, I had a feeling that at the upcoming road crossing we would be treated with trail magic. Sure enough as we hit TN 91, two men were cooking hot dogs and had a cooler of ice cold sodas. It was heaven, especially on such a hot day.
We continued on and a few miles later when we reached another road crossing, we noticed more trail magic! As it turns out, it was our friend Fun Dip's birthday, so him and his father (who had been hiking with him the last few days) wanted to treat everyone. Fun Dip is another one of our favorite people on the trail, however he will be heading home to Chicago for 3 weeks to attend his graduation. We will be sad to see him, and his sweet dog McKinnley, go home but we he hope he meets back up with our group in a few weeks.
So after our 2nd great trail magic of the day, we finally arrived at our shelter at 8:00. It was both our longest day mileage wise and time wise, but definitely a great day on the trail!
Fun Dip, Skippy, Jason and I
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