Starting location: Pearisburg, VA
Ending location: Pearisburg, VA
Miles today: 0.0
Miles total: 626.4
We had a great nights sleep at Thunder's house. Meg cooked us an hot breakfast, which is always a special treat on the trail. After a lazy morning, we got on the road to Damascus, VA for Trail Days. We traveled through the beautiful rural mountains of southern Virginia. This part of Virginia is feels undiscovered, but I have been blown away by this part of the state.
Upon arriving at Trail Days, we went and visited all the backpacking vendors. It is incredible how much more knowledgable Kristen and I are about gear after being on the trail for 50 days. We would have definitely done a few things differently relating to our gear, but we now refuse to spent any more money on gear. What we have will definitely get us to Maine.
After getting some supplies at the local grocery store (aka beer), we went to set up our things at "Tent City." Damascus is such a small town that it can't accomodate the thousands of people that come to Trail Days. So the town designated an area where everyone can setup their tents, hence the name Tent City. Now, Tent City was simply the most outrageous thing I have ever seen. You enter Tent City and it is a maze of over a thousand tents in a thick forest. The best way I can describe it is it was a cross between Hooverville and Woodstock. There was a huge bond fire with people dancing around playing bongo drums and a great band playing into the early morning hours. It is something that I will never forget.
Which way to Katahdin
Conan + Backwards
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