Starting Location: Damascus, VA
Ending Location: Damascus, VA
Miles Today: 0.0
Miles Total: 463.5
Hello--Kristen and Jason here. For those of you who follow our blog you may have noticed a lapse in our entries. No we were not eaten by bears or lost for days on the trail. Our iphone broke. Yep, broke. Thank goodness its under warrenty! But just to let you all know we won't be able to update our blog until at least this weekend when we get a new phone mailed to us. Yay customer service!
We set our alarm for 7:30 this morning because Debbie, the innkeeper, serves breakfast promptly at 8:00. It was quite the spread- eggs, grits, gravy, fruit, and sausage. I love breakfast at B&Bs and Debbie does it all herself.
We ventured over to the post office where we picked up our maildrop. There was an extra special surprise from our sweet friends the Kliens. Lauren and Jeff are such thoughtful people and we are truly blessed for their friendships. Thanks for the encouraging words and beer money- both are much appreciated.
We are off to Subway for lunch! Yum- 5 dollar foot long!
Jason and Day Tripper
Thanks Mother
You both are by far some of the coolest people I know! I am coming out of hiding and admitting that I love reading your blog! Keep trailing along...what an amazing experience :) Very jealous :) Have the time of your life!
ACK....I'm going crazy without updates :-)
Hey there, keeping up with you two is fun! Say hello to VA and Pearisburg, Cindy and I had grandparents there. It's my favorite place on earth, beautiful. Enjoy the trail!
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