Starting location: Partnership Shelter
Ending location: Davis Path Campsite
Miles today: 14.3
Miles total: 541.5
Virginia has welcomed us with some beautiful farmland. Each day we have walked through thick grassy meadows which are sometimes accompanied by grazing cows. I imagine some people may not like this section of the trail, but Kristen and I really like it. Each day you ever know where the AT will bring you. Some of you may know but Kristen has a secret fascination with farms and would like to one day have a farm of her own. I think she just wants an excuse to wear overalls. Maybe she can get them in Lily Pulitzer. I can remember days coming home from work and sure enough she would be playing John Deere Great American Farmer on the computer. I have no idea where she gets this from.
We had another great day on the trail. For lunch we stopped in Atkins, VA., which is a small town with not much of anything. We did see a lady riding her lawn mower down the road as a mode of transportation. I have stopped being surprised by things we see on the AT. For lunch Kristen and I both had BBQ pulled pork with fried mushrooms, fried okra, and corn bread. You gotta love the South.
Eating lunch at the Barn. Jason, Thunder, Daytripper, Alcaline and Skippy.
This was her main mode of transportation.
Conan + Backwards
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