Saturday, July 24, 2010

Moose Tracks

Day: 121 (July 24)
Starting location: Seth Warner Shelter
Ending location: Glastenberry Mountain
State: VT
Miles today: 21.9
Miles total: 1,611.7

It rained most of the night but we woke up nice and dry in the shelter. We quickly packed up and said our goodbyes to Thunder and Daytripper. Tripp has to go home for about a month for his brothers wedding back in Georgia. We honestly don't know when we will see them again. The friendships we have made on the trail such as our friendship with Thunder and Daytripper will last much longer than our time hiking, which is just another great aspect of the AT.

Once we hit the trail it didn't take long for our boots and legs to get muddy. It's been raining a lot lately and the trail has turned to mud. I think we will now refer to Vermont as Vermud. However, as we were hiking we noticed a new set of paw tracks in the mud. We hadn't seen these tracks before and we both quickly concluded that they were moose tracks! Vermont is the first state that has a moose population, and we can't wait to see one! We hear they are big!

We finally arrived at our shelter around 7:00 and sadly there was nowhere for us to set up our tent. So we hiked on a little farther with our friend Marty McFly and set up camp near an old fire tower. The views from the top were amazing and we all enjoyed a lovely dinner up there. The forest that we are camping in tonight smells like Christmas because of all the fir trees. It's a really pleasant smell, it beats the smell of our wet socks!!

Moose tracks!! Not the ice cream folks!

Cooking dinner on top of the fire tower.

View from the top!

Conan + Backwards

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