Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Shennies

Day: 67 (May 31)
Starting location: Waynesboro, VA
Ending location: Blackrock Hut
Miles today: 20.0
Miles total: 873.1

We were packed up and ready to hit the trail by 9:00. It's always tough leaving town, but we had two things to be excited about: entering Shenandoah National Park and going to Washington, DC next weekend. We are doing 20 miles every day this week so we can make it to Front Royal on Friday where our sweet friend Ms. Katie Ashley is going to pick us up. We are so excited to spend the upcoming weekend with our pals in DC!

We came to a kiosk when we entered SNP and had to fill out a backcountry camping permit similar to when we entered the smokies. This just ensures that the park knows when and where you are, in case of emergency.

The terrain is slightly easier in the "shennies" which is a nice break from the climbs we've been experiencing lately. Jason had a tough day getting back into the groove on the trail. It's usually difficult after taking a zero in town. I think part of the reason it was hard being on the trail today is because both of us are thinking too much about our little break in Washington next weekend. I know my mind is already there!

Now for some exciting news!! My friend Erika, a devoted follower of the blog no less, gave us the best idea. She requested a frequently asked questions post. So this is where we need your help. Send us any questions that you may have about anything related to the AT or our journey. We will do our best to answer them. How fun right? Just email Jason with the questions at Thanks Erika for that awesome idea, and be on the lookout for the post!

Conan + Backwards


Carolyn said...

LOVING the questions idea! Expect a long email from me :) So jealous of you DC weekend, wish I could be there to play!

Katie Ashley said...

2 daaaaaayyysss!!!!!

Erika said...

Yay! I'm so pumped for this post :-) Thanks guys! ...and best of luck on your 20 mile week. Keep your eyes on the DC prize.

Unknown said...

I have a question! What desserts do you want Ms. Katie and myself to prepare for your arrival? Have a hankering for anything in particular? I know Katie is planning on making some carrot cake cupcakes :)